Blog Post Published Date
July 18, 2022

How Many Portable Toilets Do I Need for My Event?

collection of portaloos ready for delivery

You’re working hard to prepare for your next event, the catering is arranged, the seating has been hired, the only thing left for you to do is sort out toilet facilities. Can’t be that difficult right? You’re thinking of “X” number of guests for “Y” number of hours and voila you have your answer! But wait, there are a few more things to consider, perhaps you’re serving alcohol and there are going to be a few guests who have special needs. Help!

There is no uniform Australian standard and in Queensland, requirements can be a little confusing as they are governed by your local council. Here at Poles and Holes we are well versed in local council requirements and can advise you accordingly to your exact needs and location.

A general rule of thumb seems to be about 1 toilet per 50 people however it depends on a lot of factors including alcohol, event type, and patron type. According to BCC, for an event of 100 people under 3 hours long you will need either 1, 12, or 20 toilets depending on all the variables.

Let's Start With Numbers

To work out this you will need the following information:

  • Type of event (Sports Day, Backyard Event, Concert)
  • Duration of event
  • Crowd type and activities available
  • Number of patrons in attendance
  • Type of food and drink being consumed (including if there is alcohol)

If your event is within the Brisbane City Council area, they have online resouces that you can fill in to give you a guide. Feel free to get in touch to clarify anything, once the survey is completed, we recommend you speak with us to confirm your requirements.

Toilet Facilities

It’s important to ensure the facilities are located in a place to ensure they are accessible and sanitary. Consider the following factors when supplying portable toilet hire for events.

The toilet facilities must be:

  • Disability accessible
  • Protect from the weather
  • Lit so as to be safe for users from a security and usability standpoint
  • Regularly re-stocked and cleaned
  • Ensure they are located away from food storage and food service areas

We are well versed in these requirements and will assist you to ensure they are set up as per local regulations.

We Help You With the Whole Process

You may be required to provide a Sanitary Management Plan for your event depending on the size and nature of it. We are able to assist with this to ensure you are fully compliant with local regulations.

We will assist you to create and facilitate your sanitary management plan, including:

  • Obtaining a manufacturer's statement of compliance for any portable toilets supplied at the event
  • Prepare a cleaning schedule to regularly service the toilet throughout the event to ensure they are clean and that a continuous supply of water, soap, paper hand towel, and toilet paper is provided.
  • Where portable chemical type units or effluent holding tanks are used for events longer than four hours, they must be located so that they can be pumped out during the event.

Let us service your next event with our event toilet hire. Once we have the number of toilets required for your event, we will arrange a quote designed around the needs of your event and patrons. Call Us today to let us take care of your needs today!

Note: We have based this article on the Brisbane City Council Legislation. Be aware that each local council will have their own requirements. If you have any questions, please call us and we will guide you through your portable toilet hire questions.

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